Online Marketing Agency Blog - Bizowonline

Who answers your phone?

Whenever I get a new Google Adwords management client I ask the same sorts of questions. Who would you like to target? What would you like to offer? Why should they do business with you? These are all standard fair for any Google AdWords manager…

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Google to reward secure websites

Google has outlined their intentions to reward secure websites, those websites that you notice have https:// rather than just simply http://, with better rankings than those that don’t. It is a move by Google that if you are an online marketing consultant probably won’t come…

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Why campaign tracking is the best tool in Analytics

With any SEO or ad campaign it is essential to track the performance of the keywords or ad strategies, and using Google Analytics is the simplest decision you can make. Tracking can help you learn the volume of traffic each keyword or ad campaign is…

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How an AdWords Manager Can Help You

Great marketing is the key to success for any business in any industry. Great marketing leads to easy sales, easy sales lead to cash flow and cash flow keeps your business afloat. Most of the 80% of businesses that fail in the first year of…

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15 Questions you should ask a Web Designer

At Bizow Online we speak with lots of business owners about their online web presence and about the potential of building them a website that will meet all of their needs. Something that has come up recently is some people are unsure of the types…

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For SEO, One page just isn’t enough!

In 2014; with Google trying to sort through the billions of websites on the Internet and provide searchers with better answers to their queries; it is no longer simply enough to have just one page per target keyword. In my opinion the main reason for…

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