Online Marketing Agency Blog - Bizowonline

What is Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a crucial component of any online marketing strategy and this is especially true of B2B marketing. Despite this, a number of marketers face hurdles with understanding/using it. So, exactly what is Content Marketing and what is all the hoopla about? Creating Content…

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7 Things that Changed in SEO in 2014

With its Panda, Penguin and Pigeon updates in 2014, Google adopted a very animated approach to the manner in which it looked at SEO. This year, there truly have been a number of updates that will impact content marketing results. In Evolve Mode The simple…

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How to Ensure Your WordPress Site is Secure

Most website owners realize only too late exactly how vulnerable their WordPress site is to hacker attacks. This CMS is undoubtedly the most popular one on the internet and spammers and hackers are always on the prowl, looking for site that can be infiltrated. As…

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Colour Your Website Right

When it comes to keeping visitors to your site engaged and encouraged to make a purchase, colours are extremely strong motivating factors. If your visitors do not find your website appealing, they will simply navigate away from it and move to a site they find…

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Speedy Sites are the Need of the Hour

Have you noticed that you are losing customers on account of a slow-loading website? Are your visitors getting frustrated and are you ending up missing leads & sales? If you have a slow-loading website, it means and the chances are high that web shoppers will…

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10 tips to improve your copywriting

Know Your Market The first step of any great copywriting piece is research. It is important to consider who will be reading your text. You need to understand who they are, what problems they have and how your content is going to help them solve…

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Is your website telling the truth?

It may sound obvious to ask you to make sure your website is not lying to people – you’re an honest person – you would not lie to your customers… right? Sadly in my experience websites generally are not telling the truth, the whole truth…

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