Google Adwords Archives

Google Adwords

How to Make Money with Google AdSense?

It’s very commonplace to see people making money off displaying advertisements. If they own real estate, like a billboard, where they can display the ads, they can make a considerable amount by displaying ads on it. This works for online real estate as well and…

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Should you Be Targeting Mobile Users with Google AdWords?

It’s a known fact that 65% of all Internet traffic is generated by people using mobile devices and if you want to get a piece of that pie, you will have to focus on responsive design and mobile marketing. Now with Google’s latest mobile-friendly algorithm…

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How to Know if Google AdWords is Right for My Business?

Google AdWords is a very important component of a digital marketing strategy. This is also popularly referred to as Pay-Per-Click (Pay Per click). Advertisers can bid on the specific keywords they want to be located for. When users perform a search that has these words,…

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Target the Right Audience – Get your AdWords Campaign Settings Right

There are a number of factors that go into the making of a successful advertising campaign and having the right campaign settings for your ads is one of the key ones. Sure, you have designed an impacting ad to ensure that more customers are attracted…

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Conversion Tracking – Why it is Important to Your Business

Every business that has an online presence and wants to maintain high visibility spends a certain amount of money on the required Google AdWords. The same holds true for any other platform that they might be marketing on like Facebook, Bing or LinkedIn. Regardless of…

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5 Mistakes Everyone Makes When First Using Google AdWords

Most online marketers in Australia are aware about the importance of using Google AdWords in their online marketing campaigns. AdWords or PPC as it is popularly called is an excellent way of driving quality traffic to a site. But there are certain mistakes that everyone…

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6 Significant Google AdWords Updates in 2014

With reference to paid search, 2014 has been a pretty busy year. Many people are debating and discussing the changes that took place to organic searches, but there have been some noteworthy alterations to paid searches, especially to Google AdWords. The Ones that Matter These…

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Who answers your phone?

Whenever I get a new Google Adwords management client I ask the same sorts of questions. Who would you like to target? What would you like to offer? Why should they do business with you? These are all standard fair for any Google AdWords manager…

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Why campaign tracking is the best tool in Analytics

With any SEO or ad campaign it is essential to track the performance of the keywords or ad strategies, and using Google Analytics is the simplest decision you can make. Tracking can help you learn the volume of traffic each keyword or ad campaign is…

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The Formula for Quality Score and How to Improve It

The one question that is at the top of the mind of every online marketer is – “What is the best way to improve my Pay Per Click Quality Score?” A higher Quality Score means a higher rank in search engines. It also means that…

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