Increase Your Website Conversions
Getting lots of people to visit your website is fools’ gold if no one converts into an enquiry or sale.
Often a few simple tweaks to the website copy or layout can dramatically improve enquiry rates. You need a marketing professional to review all the content, copy offers and calls to action on your website and suggest methods of improving those numbers.
Why your phone isn’t ringing…
Normally the fault lies in one of two things. Your website’s performance or your marketing message.
Website performance- the common offenders:
- Long load time
- Difficult navigation
- Broken links or missing pages
- Poor mobile experience
- Poor performing website server
- Content that is not optimised for websites
Marketing Messages- the common offenders:
- Outdated design
- Lack of a clear offer
- Lack of interactive features
- Inconsistent marketing messages
- Poor social media integration
- Inconsistent marketing messages
- Lack of a compelling point of difference